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Sunday, February 03, 2008
It's been a week;a fruitful one. (: No proper post yet.hahaha.Here it goes.
No school today. :D Movie with Fangyu and Pamela! :D hahaha.27dresses at cineleisure;a pretty good show.Shopping was next but pamela left earlier for piano.Went heeren,fareast,wisma and blah blah blah.After some time,i finally manage to got a top from forever21;love it.Fangyu got a dress there too.looking forward to more outings with them (:

School-ed.Went to CCAB after school to catch the volleyball matches.Really happy that both the girls and the boys won.The boys played really well,and i'm glad they won queenstown.Wish you guys luck for the match against CWDS next week. :) The girls were quite alright,didnt play that well,but congratulation on winning.After the matches,Left for tiong bahru plaza for dinner with them.Rain again -.- Ate and left for home!

Schoooool.Nothing much today.08S20 is going the have a class event soon!yay. :) Had SCAP after school;valentine's day aka friendship day is cominggggg.

Schoooool.Long day;school ends at 3.Went to tiongbahru plaza to meet juvita,andy & jhohan for lunch! :) juvita is leaving for chinaaa to further her studies :( Another one oversea.Probably our last meet-up.Went greatworld and had lun-ner (dinner cum lunch) at Ichiban Boshi Japanese Restaurant :) nice place;and the food is rather good.Margaret came soon after.Had a good talk with all of them.It's been soooo long since we have a proper talk with each other.Left around 6;jhohan and andy left for work whille margaret and juvita stayed at greatworld.i left for tiongbahru again to meet jo! :D so long since i see her too.Chatted and she ate.Great day!

Juvita! :D



Margaret! :)


andyyy (:

Juvita & Jhohan's


Amantha's :D


Schooool again;but it ended at1230. :D Went home for some stuff.Left to lakeside for BBQ at janice's house! :D I was the last one.hahaha.Loves Og17.The food was good;credits to xenia and the rest.Everyone was there except alicia,amanda,howeyong and bryan.Boss was not there too. :( But,we had fun i guess.After bbq,many left,and it was down to 8 of us;4girls and 4 guys.went to the poolside.Jonathan went for a swim while others just look.Nobody wanted to get wet,so didnt go down to the pool.hahaha.Was rather bored,so the 4girls sat near the pool,this is when jonathan begin to splash us with water.-.- Wetttttt.I guess xenia was then dragged into the pool or something.She was drenched.After which,we threw Justin down too.Follow by Yangzhi :D haha.KC was the only one who is not wet. -.- Went back to janice house for a shower, and had our movie marathon!Watched Chuck & Larry,really dumb show.ha!Caught a little of 300 and then went to watch The boygirl thing. Many fell asleep after the first movie.hahaha.Played a little of twister and card games too. :D Tried to sleep at 5plus6,but couldn't.Credits to KC and Yangzhi -.- Fianlly got to sleep around 6 plus.Woke up at 9 for breakfast. :) thanks janice's mom! Left Janice house at 10plus.Had a great night;yay to OG17!

janice and carryl :D

xenia and janice!

the girls who stayed over;i'm not in the pic :D

KC;only dry-est person.

Justin & Yangzhi;wettt! :D

Janiceee :D


photos for them. :)

Movie marathonnn!

Reached home around 11plus12.Help up in some spring cleaning and went to town to meet jolene and averie!suppose to be a sentosa trip;but it was canceled :( Shopping!but didnt get stuff.The weather adds on to the bad day.Anyway,we saw olivia and chijuan at heeren.Left around 7 to meet mummy and daddy,while they continue their shopping.Anyway,was still glad to be out with them. :D


i'm being chopped! -.-


joleneeeeee! :)

Long Long Long entry! :D end!