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Sunday, May 25, 2008
Damn.GP paper was horrible;horrible with the capital H.Anyway,I'm so so so glad that GP is over;have to mug for other subjects alreadyyy. But first, I've to enjoy my holidays a little :) Had a great time with the volleyball team yesterdayy.PJvolley rock my socks!One of the last few gathering for the J1s and the J2s.24people went yesterday!Cool or whatt. :D Almost the entire team.so happy!9J1s went :D,only erin wasnt there :( Had dinner at wisma's food republic,we took like three long tables.(opps!) Stayed there really longgg.Waited for the J2s for like an hour.hahaha.But it was worth it :) Was wondering at wisma after dinner,can you imagine the whole ground wondering arounddd. O.O Left for esplanade soon after,didnt really know what to do.hahaha.Played game rather dumb game,but but it was quite fun.Had a fun time laughing awayy. :) Many things happened.A fun and fulfilling day. Looking forward to the barbecue at mdm chan's house! :D


donuts for the j2s :D

jianyun,huimin,denise! :D
jianyunnn;captain.she's so cute lahhh. :D
Sylvia!apple pie :D

zhenren&joanna :)
zhenren,sylvia,joanna,amantha! :D
i love her! :)
zhenrennn :D
joannaaaa :)
ayleen&joanna :)

Ayleen! :)
peishan+the J1s! rather blur heree.
jason,zhikai :D

ernest&sim! :D
shiwannn;hottie! :)

denise;cute huhhh! :)
huimin,ayleen! :D
The J2s;shiwan,peishan,minyi! :D :D :D

yy,weiliang,laofuzhi,wuzuo,bok! :D hahaha
:) :) :) :) :)

Chloe!& Sylviaa :)

YY! o.o

Went to catch the accuracy of death with junwen today. Interesting show;rather sweet show.The song is really niceeee :)

Meeting justina and jolene tomorrow!Cant waittttt :D

Plans for the holidaysss(so far)
Firstweek: School on Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday -.-
Secondweek: Camp on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday.Tuition on Thursday,and probably Class outing on Friday :)
Thirdweek:Monday;Outing with Huahui :) Thursday;Tuition+Volleyball barbecue! :D
Fourthweek:MUGGGGGGggggg :D
