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Sunday, July 13, 2008
It's been so so so long since i last came.Blogged one week ago.Hahaha.The week passed really fast;had quite a great week.School officially starts last tuesday, and i had most of my results back on the day itself.One word to describe my feeling;disappointed.All i can do is to blame myself for not working hard;despite countless revision. Guess it's still not enough.Oh wells, I'm determine to do well for promos.I will.Had PW meeting on Monday,was not a fruitful one.Surprisingly,saw Brandon's group over a JE library too,also for their meeting.Sat together with their group as though a 'mini' class gathering.Went over to IMM for miss zhong's present,almost everyone went over to look out for her present.Aunty jiayan,touch or nottt?hahaha.
mr lammm :)
ah beng!
i wish i wish..for my princess to appearrrr.HA.

Oh yahh,caught the movie '21' on monday with junwen.Interesting showww.hahaha.Math genius turned poker addict?cool show (:

Anyway,back to school days;Wednesday.As usual,a short day.Pe was disastrous for me;consider the fact that i have not been going for Pe since i've completed my Napfa before everyone else in my class.Horrible.Stamina dropped dramatically.hahaha.Had training after school;like finallyyy.Hahaha.Rather fun i must say,as it's only the first training,what's more it's a outdoor training.So,it's not that tough;but again,my stamina suck,so frlt that the training was quite tiringg.New friends come for volleyball trainings (: But only guys.The volleyball guys are recruiting,with only 4guys left,a number of guys come for trials.Hahaha.Hopefully,mark can get into volleyball (:The girls are also short of members,with only 6.But doubt anyone will want to join us at this time,hopefully the intake next year will be good.But for now,we,the 6 of us can do it!Right girls? :D

Cant really remember what happened on thursday,just remembered the last part,when we we are on the way home.Homed with the usual few;and guess what,saw mingsoon 'favorite person'. Laughs!Stalking him wherever he goes.We've been seeing her for the entire day.Oh my;cant believe such person exist,always popping out of nowhere.hahaha.Shall not elaborate further.

Will be continuing in the next posttt.Blog is just toooooo wordyyy.Had some pictures on monday,but will upload it next time (:

is it fading?