Monday, November 03, 2008
BOO.AH MA in the making ):P.S: The guys never fail to tease me -.-
MASS pw meeting at cherry house today! :D Rather cool.More than half the class is present for it. We had a good time i guess, presenting plus bonding.Yeaps, CANT WAIT for the class chalet (:
OP exam later,our last lap of pw,and i bet we ALL can excel in it!come on PJ85 and the rest of s15 groups,remain confident and we can ACE this! (:
Had a great Sunday :D
Let the pictures tell you M O R E E E E:
I cant wait for the OP exam!
I cant wait for Trainings!
I cant wait for OBS!
I cant wait for the China trip!
I cant wait for the Class chalet!
I cant wait for the Volleyball chalet!
I cant wait for the OGL camp!
I cant wait to get a job!
I cant wait for many many things!
I think i should look for a job soooooooon.
I want to meet up with my old friends!
I want to meet up with my OG mates!
I want to meet up with my PAE friends!
I want to have CLASS+VOLLEYBALL outings!
I want to go for a picnic!
I want to sleep soon!
G O O D N I G H T Y peeps!