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Sunday, August 09, 2009
Prelim papers are piling up,this stress is gonna overtake me anytime.Amantha is not working that hard but she's feeling the stress.How ironic!But yeah,the thought of prelim in a month time and A level in about 90plus days time is really killing me.

Is it wrong to know many friends.I dont know.I'm really blessed to have many friends.I'm really blessed to have group of close friends.

But getting to know too many groups of people is not something to be proud of.Amantha cherishes every single friend;particularly her closer friends.
She thought that someone out there may understand her,but sadly there's none.
Do you know how hard it is to be caught in between 2groups of friends you are close with.The feeling sucks,it's a really bad feeling.I'm really apologetic towards both sides,cause i dont know what's the best decision/solution.Amantha do not want any of her friend to be upset because they felt neglected,but it's really hard.I'm already trying my best to do whatever i can.
No one likes to be rejected,neither will any one bears to reject a friend.It is definitely a hobson's choice for one to make the decision.
Welcome to my life.Laughs.
Anyway,Thank you my friends for being my friends.