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Sunday, April 11, 2010
We are the ones who make a better day, so let's start giving.

Michael Jackson's we are the world. This song is constantly played in my head ( for the pass few days), a really meaningful song. If one person begins to give back to the society, there will be a slight difference they can make and aid at least one other people somewhere around. One may seems insignificant, but if we multiply this 'one' a few times, it will eventually become something significant. That's why i always believe in trying my best to play a part in the community. Joining the Youth Executive Committee is the first step for me to do something for the people around, it have also give me the opportunities to be exposed to different kind of people around; definitely an eye opener for me.

Many people at my age may find me crazy/weird(have got nothing better to do?!), why bother doing things like that, i guess it's because this run in my genes :D hahaha. My daddy brought me up, 'instilling' this into me. (Joke, i'm kidding.) Okay, maybe is partly due to my dad's role as a volunteer in the RC, which have created this "community service interest" in me.

Okay, was just being reallllllllly random. hahaha. Anyway, I cannot helped but to empahsise how fast time flies, as another week have passed!!! It was a goooooooood week for Amantha, had a packed but great weekend. Weekdays was just about work, work and more work; plus volleyball training! Oh ya, had popeye's with jiayan on fridayyyy; the mash potato is still as good as ever!(that's like the only thing i like thereee.hahaha). I mentioned i've gotten a new phone in my previous post. Just an add on to it, the phone is goooood (i think), and i have discovered cool apps available for it. Yay :D Sorry for the retarded-ness, but i'm just overjoyed to make new discoveries of my phone. hahaha.

Looking (a little) forward to this weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. hahaha. Gonna have a volleyball friendlies with the outside team at IMH(LOL,yes!It's the one at hougang!!!hahaha) on wednesday! So looking forward to the first friendly we're having as a team (: Also, jobscentral will be having some hangout session on thursday! Cool thingggggg.

Okay, that's about it!
That's all for now, my friends.
Tata :D