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Wednesday, November 03, 2010
The reason why I'm here again it's because EXAM'S OVERRRRRR.
My 2 weeks plus of ordeal have finally came to an end; and i'm sooooooooooo glad that all is over. Was thankful to have my friends around me to pull through my first exam. Many thanks to the 'cool-esplanade-gang'; life in uni will definitely be hard without such awesome people around :)

(The 'cool' gang on the last day of studying.HAHA)
And yeaps, it's the holidayyyyyyyyyyyyy, and my first 2 weeks of holiday is rather pack with activities :|
Going to the middle kingdom (zhongguo-china :D) this Thursday with my parents, and KL with my friends in 2 weeks time. And it's driving, driving and more driving (I'm like taking driving lessons forever ah?But all is ending sooooooooon;hopefully).

Life is good to me, am really blessed to have so many awesome people around me (uni/jc/secondary/volleyball friends & more). I'm thankful for what I have and I'll cherished these wonderful moments I had with every single friend out there. Without you guys, Amantha would not have enjoyed her life as much as she does right now. Thank you all!
A part from friends, I really really cherished the time spent with my family members. They are definitely my no. 1 priority (eventhough I'm spending lesser time with them due to school commitments), my Family is still the no. 1 thing i cherish in life. Am really excited to go on the trip with my parents! It's a pity my brothers will not be able to join us; oh well, i'll do my part, by enjoying the trip for them ;) laughs.

(Our 'liberation' moments)

OH YES, I'm turning 19 soooooooooooon :| That's insane. I feel old at 19. I can still vividly remember how I'll 'look up' to those people who are 17/18/19years old, thinking they are mature and cool at the same time. Now me at 19 is neither feeling cool nor excited. Hahaha. Am just really glad that I have led a rather fulfilling 19 years of my life, and I'm definitely eager to learn as much as I can now. I want to do much more to help myself, to help the people around, there are still MANY people out there who needs the more capable one (like us) to help them. Am already planning out my resolution/to-do-list for 2011. I cannot wait to have them pen down so that I can have some things to look forward to next year (It's the first year I'm doing this, and I'm rather excited about it ;))

Am having the weirdest dreams these days. It must be the sudden excessive workload from the examination-revision. I supposed I will get better sleep already (since exams are ALL over). Gonna catch ANTM CYCLE 15 and finish readiing my Eat Pray Love ASAP :D More 'me-time' too. Yayyyyyy ;) This post seeeeeeeeeeeeems long; am not gonna be back till next week? (I supposed so!) That's all for now.