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Saturday, March 10, 2012
Hey there now, where'd you go?

It's been a long, long while. I was so determined to blog again, but many many things happened after i decided to pen down my life again. Life, is no doubt unpredictable. Just when you're about to give up on something and start anew, it just get back to you again. Laughs. Unpredictable.

The last time i wrote something here was close to a year ago? Gosh, like what I always say, time really flies. 2011 was an awesome year for me, and am still taken aback how fast the year just passed that quickly. The Amantha's Life has always been a place that is really dear to me, penning down my life and experiences here for my keepsake was the initial reason why the blog was set up. I will definitely get back to this as often as I can. The reason why I am more motivated to blog for my keepsake is because I chance upon a blog of my friend, Becky. I was really touched by her recent post to 'an open letter to her future one'. Man, was I moved by what was written. Becky is one of my dearest friend from Jobscentral, someone whom I looked up to. She is a pretty and talented friend who is humble and really nice. Despite the differences in our age, personality and life, Jannelle (my other jobscentral friend), Becky and I never fails to enjoy each others company.

Back to my point, am now driven to blog and to make a difference to my own life. This avenue will allow me to safeguard my life story and will be a good place for me to return to in future; to see how much I have grown over the years :)

Till then

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

I miss blogging. I miss how I used to pen down my life. I miss how I used to keep those memories here.

Was randomly looking through the posts here and it so make me want to return to update this little corner. Tumblr aren't as user friendly, so I gave up after like one post. Haha.

2011 was an awesome-long-year for me! Many many MANY things can happen within a short span of a year! Will be back updating this little corner, at least once every month. Would really want to keep the memories of my life, once again :)

P.S. Am blogging from the phone. Will be back with pictures! ;)

Sunday, April 03, 2011
It's been a month-ish since I last set foot here. Apologies for that!
March was an indeeeeeeeed a fun-packed month.

P.S.Time passes sooooooooo quickly till I totally lose track of it!

(camwhoring with the girls, more on FB)

Like I just said, March was a gooooooooooood month, it was packed with a couple of gatherings-gatherings with my fellow s15 classmates, the girls, and a beach outing with my uni-mates. Had a goooooood camwhoring session with the girls on peifen's birthday on the 11th March (Actual day is the 12th). She is the first among the girls to enter the BIG TWO club. Seriously, am really NOT looking forward to tell people that I'm Twenty. Twenty just sounds, so old. Darn. I know I have many friends who are already in their twenties, but Two-Zero seems so far away from the One-Nine. Laughs. Pardon me for this! Am sure many will not be looking forward to this 'huge jump' in life, laughs. Anyway, attended a couple of 21st birthday parties too. Yes, 21st. The big birthday party majority will have, to officially allow one to be the real adult. Hahaha. Am definitely getting inspirations as I attend the parties! Need to start thinking for my TWENTYFIRST too.


(S15 gathering, Margaret's 21st, Emelyn's 21st!)

ALSO I JUST HAD A GATHERING WITH MY PRIMARY SCHOOL CLASSMATES. The feeling of meeting up with my good old friends is really awesome. Despite not seeing each other for a long while, the camaraderie between one another is still strong. Even though there are a couple of awkward silence in between, somehow, someone will start engaging the group with an interesting topic for conversation. My primary school days' memories were not the fondest memory I had, but the annual meet up sessions with my fellow 6d'03 classmates will definitely be one of the good old memories I will remember, for a long time. Am really proud to say "I'm gonna meet up with my primary school friends." Who else actually still keep in contact with their primary school classmates?! Not many I supposed :) Thanks to all who have made this gathering/past gatherings possible! Am definitely looking forward to the next few outings!

Life is pretty much the same! Finals is coming and thus it's study break time! Am glad to be positively influence by my uni peers. We are all working hard to excel in every exams :) As usual, totally want to get over the exams ASAP. Less than a month more!!

Haven't been updating much recently, and this post will prolly mark my last post here at blogspot, gonna move over to a tumblr account after my finals! But I'll still keep The Amantha's Life, as many good old memories are kept here! So that's all for now :)