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Sunday, August 03, 2008
Longgggggggggggggg week.Dont have that 'thing' to blog.Not eager to blog though i have many many photos.Have been going home really late for the entire week.Training on both Monday and Wednesday;so decided to stay back for night studies.Reached home at 10,was dead beat by then.Tuesday was another long day,though gp remedial was canceled,stayed back with the some to complete the national day project on "Edwin John Tessensohn" .Oh wells,had fun with the peeps (:

Fall ill on Wednesday;sore throat -.- Thanks to those tidbits on Tuesdayyy.Hahhaa.Had mini class outing on thursday!Caught Prom Night :D Many felt that that the show was quite bad,but i find it rather excitingg.Hahaha.Hongming and Jiayan was just a joke in the theatre,made everyone laughh.hahhaa.Had dinner together;a rather goooooood outing (: Sore throat=Cough=Flu.Down with a terrible flu;suffering mann.Thanks peeps all for the concern!finally know how this is it like;sorry.

PJ host a inter school friendly on Saturday.Had quite a number of things to do.We played together as a team for a first official match.I must say we did rather well;but there's definitely room for improvements.Strive harder for it girls! :D Met up with the usual few for SPLAT concert.Overall,the performance was rather good.Made a new friend,CJ;hongda's friend.Interesting guyy.hahaha.A first official outing for the six of us,not a bad one.Hahaha.Looking forward to more of it (:


the guysss

mdm chan!
clifford;our photographer!
joannaaa :D
The girlssssss
:D :D :D
Love them loads!

SPLAT concert...
Look here...
Now here...HAHA



yay to jiayan & susan! :D

Was at the library studying at 10am (: Hahaha.Will be going over to the library every sunday to mug,Really effective;even jiayan think so :D hahaha.Ate and went over to KAP;to study againn.Hahaha.Saw Ryan!Jeremy and Benedict too.A small small world.SPA physics tomorrow,ALL THE BEST to one and all :D Looking forward to the week!Going to follow my timetable.Hahaha.Good Luck Amantha (:

-random-ner- ™ says:
no one is perfect
-random-ner- ™ says:

thats why even pencils need erasers

-random-ner- ™ says:
thats why pens also need correction tapes
-random-ner- ™ says:
soooooooooooo its alright to make mistakes

Jiayan said those;funny girl!